Privacy Policy


We understand how important your personal data is. This is why we want you to know exactly how we secure and apply your data to better serve you as a customer. We will always treat your data with the upmost care and we will never sell your data to any third party for marketing purposes.

Personal Information

By "Personal Information" we mean any information relating to you and by which you can be identified directly (e.g. your name) or indirectly (e.g. your IP address which we collect when you purchase a product online).

How we collect your personal data

  • Online account creation on the Wehomz website

  • Purchases via the Wehomz website, Facebook page and Instagram page.

  • Phone calls made to Wehomz

  • Mail (postal and electronic) sent to Wehomz

  • Product registration

  • Participation in competitions, prize draws and surveys

What we use your data for

  • Processing your orders. In order to process your orders, we use third party shipping software and postal services in which we transfer some of your order data. This includes full name, shipping address and contact details.

  • Providing you with relevant updates about your current and previous orders

  • Providing relevant answers to customer service enquiries

  • Fraud prevention

  • Serving more relevant ads to you, providing you with a better online service

  • Providing you with news updates, product launches, special offers and discounts. We use MailChimp to process our mass email campaigns in accordance with their privacy guidelines.

Transfers to third parties

It may be necessary to transfer your Personal Information (name, address, tel. number, e-mail, preferences, interest) to companies associated with Wehomz® or its agents, in order for them to carry out order research, purchase processing, analysis and marketing on behalf of Wehomz®.

How to communicate your preferences or to exercise your rights to have your Personal Information rectified, blocked or deleted

At the time you provide your Personal Information to Wehomz® (for example, at the time of purchase), you can express your marketing preferences in respect of the Personal Information (mailing address, e-mail address, phone number) you share with us. Check boxes on the website or on the offline document whereby your Personal Information is collected allow you to opt-in or opt-out of receiving updates on our products and services or on the product and services of our commercial partners. If Wehomz® has used your data after receiving this information from another company to which you provided your data, you will be able to express your preference at the time Wehomz® contacts you. You can then always contact Wehomz® and ask that your information will not be used for direct marketing purposes.

Contact us by , to update your Customer Communications preferences or if you want to exercise your rights to access your data and/or have any information we hold about you rectified, blocked or deleted if no longer necessary.

Changes to the Policy

This policy may be revised from time to time. We will post changes on this website and inform you via e-mail or mail. If you do not object to such a change within 14 days upon receipt of our information, the new policy will apply. We highlight the effects of no-replies in our communication. In case of objection to the new policy, the old terms shall stay in place.
